Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wildcat Football Banquet


Last Thursday, the nicest thing happened. Over 500 athletes, cheerleaders, student

trainers and filmers, Kittens, THS administration and faculty, students, coaches,

parents, families, friends and Wildcat alumni gathered at the Mayborn Center

to celebrate the 2011 football season. It was definitely a year to remember!


During the past year so many good things happened. Which resulted in many people

rallying to support and encourage student athletes at THS. The struggling football

program ‘jumped on a fast train’ and began to rebuild a championship program.


Teamed with an excellent school board, administration, faculty, staff and coaches,

the 2011 Wildcat football team went to work! Coaches and players alike embraced

the challenge ahead. With commitment and determination they built a power house.

Along the way they became a family. Their hard work paid off. They learned

things they will never forget. The 2011 ‘blue front, white back’ Wildcat’s changed



Lives were touched. Hearts, souls and minds were changed. The future looks bright.


So many great young men, so many stories.


Everyone played an valuable role. Everyone did their part to make the team better.


Introductions were made. Encouraging words were spoken. Outstanding athleticism,

leadership and academic achievements were recognized. Hearts were warmed.


Appreciation was in the air.


An inspiring highlight video of the season was the perfect way to end the night and

when the lights came back on the 2011 Wildcats touched us all by doing something

they’ve done countless times before…..they clapped. Loud and proud in

perfect unison.
