After the School Board approved Coach, one of the things at the top of my to-do list was find Coach an apartment. I was dragging my feet 'big time' because the last time he rented a furnished apartment it was d-r-e-a-r-y and I had no desire to repeat that depressing scenario. We are no strangers to moving but I was convinced that God would gladly provide place and help us transition, if we would simply ask. So with trust and Thanksgiving, I thanked God in advance, for providing my husband with a nice furnished guest house or garage apartment.
A few days later I was talking to Claudia and a couple of coaches when Steve Prentiss mentioned the word 'garage apartment'. Quickly I mentioned that Coach would be interested. Well, Steve talked to Susan Luck and Susan talked to Suzy Adams and Susan talked to Harry Adams and before the sun had set, it was settled. Harry and Suzy would share their lake house.
When I heard the news, I was deeply touched by God's lavish provisions, through the Adams overwhelming generosity. However, nothing could prepare me for the amazing beauty of their lake home. The first time I saw it I cried.

The front....a warm welcome.
The back.....a place to relax.

The view.......majestic!
I hope you can imagine our amazement! Times like these can be so challenging but God is so good! We are so grateful.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably, exceedingly, abundantly, more than all we can ask or imagine, according to God's power that is at work within each and everyone of us, to God be the glory in the church and to Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever! Amen
Ephesians 3: 20-21
A big thanks to each and every one of you who have reached out to us...whether it was in person, by phone or mail, blog comment or Facebook, we feel God's love and are simply blown away!
*please pray for our houses to sell quick! We can't wait to get here! We love Temple already!
So very glad he's found a spot to relax! Every time I've seen him, he's on the move! And I'm also so glad you met Harry and Suzy, two great people who go to church with us (Wayne and Harry serve together on our deacon board) at Temple Bible Church...which by the way, we'd LOVE for you to visit with us someday...soon, I hope!
ReplyDeleteWe're continuing to pray for your home to sell...for time together...for your encouragement and joy in the faith...and for continual favor for Coach in the hearts of our kids. We love what he's bringing here...and can't wait for his other half to arrive, Roxanne! Can't wait to have lunch with you and share all that we have in common...coaches, kids and faith...give us a lot to talk about!