Sunday, August 12, 2012

TWO-A-DAYS begin in the morning at 6:15!

Look whose in the Sunday paper!

The Temple Wildcats!


If you’re an early riser you can catch the Wildcats in the morning in their 1st two-a-day practice, from 6:15 – 9:15! Though it’s sure to be warm and humid in Central Texas, the Temple Wildcats are ready and roaring!

After a great off season with a daily average of 185 and a high of 223, plus a successful 7 on 7 season the Cats have never been stronger. And speaking of better. The new weight room and Fieldhouse renovation going to blow you away!



Pictures can not adequately capture what your tax dollars did for this facility.


I wish you could have seen the expressions on the kids faces when they saw it

completed, for the first time last Monday! Pure joy!


Thank you Temple, Texas for making a difference in the lives

of children! I’m sure many of you are dying to see it, so on

August 24th from 8:30 –10:30, gather up your favorite

Wildcat fans and come see it for yourselves! Warning!

It is pretty amazing!

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